We are thrilled to announce that Jubilee School has been rated Good (with Outstanding for Personal Development) following our latest Ofsted Inspection (May 2023).
Welcome to Jubilee School
At our core, is a curriculum offer that is holistic, personalised, meaningful, relevant and purposeful, engaging, empowering and rewarding for each student, with its delivery informed by our Neurodiversity Strategy (and / or) Trauma Informed Practice. We intend for our students to enjoy and value learning by offering them a responsive curriculum of choice and challenge.
Our curriculum is broad, balanced and adaptable with the flexibility to meet the needs, interests and aspirations of every student, enabling them to achieve their full potential. It does this by developing flexible, innovative pathways that range from informal and semi-formal to formal academic pathways, dependent upon cohorts. These pathways build upon student strengths and interests, maximising participation and achievement while ensuring outcomes and provisions within a student’s EHCP are addressed. They include rich, creative experiences and opportunities that nurture talents and provide the cultural capital, skills and accreditation to support our students future productive and fulfilling lives.
Within every curriculum, preparing for adulthood starts from (the early years / from their start), and as students get older, we increase our focus on skills for life, vocational and work-related learning. We want our students to feel safe, nurtured and supported so they can thrive socially and academically and to prepare them for emotionally and physically healthy adult lives where they can make a positive contribution to society.
Our Vision
Our vision is to help stduents in these key areas:
RESPECT Learning to respect ourselves, others and the environment.
EMPOWER Striving to become confident individuals who are independent, emotionally resilient and are equipped with leadership skills for the future.
ACHIEVE To succeed beyond previous expectation, to become responsible citizens and life-long learners.
We offer opportunities for our pupils to achieve qualifications across a range of academic and vocational subjects.
Clinical Therapy
When students are happy, confident and well equipped to manage the day-to-day challenges of life, they thrive academically.